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Logo MC BIleva
Logo MC BIleva
European Union, European Regional Development Fund
European Union, European Regional Development Fund
Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness
Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness

We are pleased to inform you that Medical Center "BILEVA" Ltd. is implementing a project under an administrative contract for grants № BG16RFOP002-2.024-1501, project title: "Promoting Entrepreneurship in Medical Center" BILEVA "16 EOOD", procedure -2.024 "Promotion of Entrepreneurship", Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

The total value of the project is: BGN 249,980.00, of which BGN 169,986.40 European and BGN 29,997.60 national co-financing.

Short description of the project:

Medical Center - "BILEVA" Ltd. is a company established in 2018 with main economic activity falling within the scope of NACE Q 86.22. Activities of specialist doctors.

The main goal of this project is to ensure the sustainable and competitive development of the company by realizing on the market an entrepreneurial idea, falling into the sectors related to overcoming the European and regional challenges, namely: Q 86.22. Activities of specialist doctors - Medical Center for pre-hospital medical care for providing health consultations, diagnosis and treatment of outpatients by doctors with a recognized specialty, including Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatric.

The implementation of the entrepreneurial idea will have a direct positive social and environmental effect, as it corresponds to the thematic area Industry for Healthy Living and Biotechnology, ICT and Informatics and Mechatronics and Clean Technologies of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization.
The project will be implemented through the implementation of the following set of activities:
Activity 1: Activity for realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea - within which will be:

  • formed a team of qualified staff necessary for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea;
  • realized investments in fixed assets, creating the necessary technological prerequisites for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea;
  • created a website of the Candidate, promoting the entrepreneurial idea and supporting its market realization;

Activity 2: Project visualization activity - as a result of which publicity and visualization of the project will be ensured.


The main (general) goal of this project is:
To ensure the sustainable and competitive development of the company through the realization on the market of an entrepreneurial idea, falling into the sectors related to overcoming the European and regional challenges, namely: Q 86.22. Activities of specialist doctors - Medical Center for pre-hospital medical care for providing health consultations, diagnosis and treatment of outpatients by doctors with a recognized specialty, including Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatric.

The specific objectives (SC) of the project, leading to the achievement of its main (general) goal, are:
SC 1: To form a team of qualified staff necessary for the implementation of the entrepreneurial idea - object of the project;
SC 2: To create the necessary technological prerequisites for successful realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea through the realization of investments in modern and high-tech fixed assets.
SC 3: To provide the necessary prerequisites for the successful marketing and effective promotion of the entrepreneurial idea by creating a website of the applicant.
SC 4: To ensure publicity and visualization of the project.


Results from the implementation of Activity for realization on the market of the entrepreneurial idea (products - services) (The activity will be carried out by: - ​​hiring qualified staff - 4 experts; - purchase of fixed assets; - external service for creating a candidate's website) / part 1 and part 2 /:

  • Agreed plan for the procedures for selection of contractors within the project - 1 number;
  • Conducted procedure for selection of a contractor with a public invitation under the procedure of ZUSESIF / CMD 160 - for selection of a supplier of fixed assets - 1 piece;
  • Concluded contract with selected supplier of fixed assets - 1 piece;
  • Delivered and put into operation fixed assets: Ultrasound - 1 piece;
  • Signed acceptance-delivery protocol for delivery - 1 piece;
  • Created the necessary technological prerequisites for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea on the market
  • Created the necessary technological prerequisites for sustainable development of the entrepreneurial idea
  • Conducted selection procedure by collecting not less than 2 offers - for selection of a contractor for providing an external service for creating a website of the Candidate - 1 piece
  • Selected contractor of external service - 1 pc.
  • Created website of the candidate - 1 issue, signed handover protocol for services, created prerequisites for the successful marketing of the entrepreneurial idea and its effective promotion on the target market among potential users of services, incl. realized positive social effect;
  • Conducted procedure for selection of staff - in connection with the persons planned for hiring, part of the additional qualified staff - 1 pc.
  • Employed qualified staff - a total of 4 experts;
  • Provided qualified expert capacity for realization of the entrepreneurial idea on the market, responsible for the overall activity for realization of the entrepreneurial idea - medical center for providing pre-hospital medical care services, covering the provision of health consultations, diagnostics and treatment of outpatients by doctors with recognized specialty , including Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatric.
  • Entrepreneurial idea realized on the market and its sustainable development ensured, incl. competitive and sustainable development of the candidate company in the long run.

Results from the implementation of the Project Visualization Activity (the activity will be implemented by purchasing signs - 2 pieces and stickers - 2 pieces)

  • Conducted procedure for selection of a contractor by the Beneficiary under the procedure of ZUSESIF and the Instructions of the
  • Managing Authority of the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020 - by collecting not less than 2 comparable offers - 1 number;
  • Selected contractor - 1 piece;
  • Provided measures for information and publicity in accordance with the applicable requirements and guidelines for application of the rules for information and communication 2014-2020.
  • Observed measures for information and communication when creating the website of the applicant, planned for creation within the implementation of this project
  • Prepared and placed posters with information about the project (with a minimum size of A3) in a place visible to the public in compliance with the applicable requirements for information and communication - 2 pieces;
  • Mentioned contribution of the EU, the financing of the OP and the support of the ERDF of each document related to the implementation of the project;
  • Prepared in compliance with the requirements for information and publicity information stickers, placed on all purchased under the project fixed assets - 2 pieces.

Project № BG16RFOP002-2.024-1501 “Promotion of entrepreneurship in human health through Medical
Center - Bileva EOOD, funded by the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness", co-financed by
The European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
Project № BG16RFOP002-2.024-1501 "Promoting entrepreneurship in human health through Medical center" Bileva "Ltd.", financed
by the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness", financed by the European Union through the European Regional
Development Fund.
This document was created with the financial support of the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020,
co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. All responsibility for the content
of the document is carried by Medical Center "BILEVA" EOOD and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this
document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the Managing Authority.