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Logo MC BIleva
Logo MC BIleva
European Union, European Regional Development Fund
European Union, European Regional Development Fund
Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness
Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness
A sign with the services of MC Bileva

A sign with the services of MC Bileva


Driven by the desire to provide the best and quality service and medical activities to our patients, we created with great love "Bileva Medical Center".

We are a team of proven professionals in various fields of medicine, who stand united in one cause - to give you peace of mind and confidence for your health!

In "MC Bileva" we have provided modern high-tech equipment, with the help of which to achieve even better results in the diagnosis and treatment of various cases of our daily practice.

We believe that new technologies and innovative medical approaches need to go hand in hand so that every patient can receive fast, timely and effective treatment.

Our mission focuses on caring for you - to be safe, calm and confident, trusting our specialists for your health!